Sex With Weaves: Just Keep Your Hands on the Titties?

Sex With Weaves

Sex With Weaves

So I just watched the official trailer for Chris Rock’s “Good hair,” and the question of how does weave sex (sex with a woman wearing weaves) work:

Nia Long suggests you just, “stay on top.”

And in the end Andre Harrell seems to say you, ?just keep your hands on the titties.”

So, now I’m curious…how does sex with weaves work?

I’ve never had a weave so I wouldn’t know. And currently I have no hair so I really wouldn’t know.


So Ladies and Gents please help me out here: if you’re a man who’s had sex with a woman with weave or ladies if you’ve had sex with a weave…let me know how that works.

is there any hair pulling?

Any running fingers through your hair?

Do you avoid the hair at all cost?


Kinky Inquiring minds want to know.



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