Falling in Love is the Easy Part

Falling In Love

Falling In Love Ain’t Shit

To Love is a choice.

You choose to commit.

You choose to make it work.

Growing up is not a bad thing or a good thing…it just is. Time goes by pretty fast. If you’re 28 today, tomorrow you will be 40. The only question is do you want to live your life with someone else or do you want to keep going solo. If you want to spend it with someone, then find, choose and commit. If not, then keep doing what you’re do.

Folk always running, dodging, hopping falling in love…that’s the easy part…being adult enough to make it work is where the real work lies.

I know a guy who was in his late fifties and had just had a birthday. I asked him what he did for his birthday and he told me how he “hung out with the boys,” drunk some, smoked some, gambled and that was it.

Now, he was in some sort of managerial position at the university I was attending. He didn’t have a wife or girlfriend (spent a lot of time trying to get into my pants),. He had kids he didn’t live with and all and all he seemed rather lonely. Perhaps he enjoyed his life, but I found him rather pathetic. Damn near sixty years old, still chasing tail and clinging on to a youth that left him long ago.

For some being alone in old(er) age isn’t a big deal, but my guess is that is a minority of people. We are social animals, we need each other to survive and be happy. If babies aren’t touched enough they die and in many ways, if adults are touched enough we die, just a much slower and protracted death.

Make 2009 the year you stop being afraid of love, relationships and commitment. Make time for family, friends and others who you can love and who love you in return. Now is the time to find a special someone to spend your life with. We’ve got some hard times coming. We’re going to need each other to get through them, so the next time you have a great someone, instead of finding reasons why ya’ll shouldn’t be together, find ones why you should be and hold on tight.


  1. Brothers' Blog 16 years ago

    Great Post! I swear i’m normally not. But some reason I been in this mode for 2009. Time to finally give up the single life. lol. So when I do find someone I’ll do just that find reasons why I should hold on tight.

    Thanks for the confirmation

  2. […] Love is the Easy Part : Brown Sugar Posted by on stycznia 9, 2009 in Uncategorized | Subscribe nieznany wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptPost a Comment | Trackback URL. Name […]

  3. Allin1 16 years ago

    2009 is my year to commit I need to stop being afraid of love

  4. Bella 16 years ago

    I agree very strongly with this post. I think people in general make excuses as to why they don’t want to be in relationships, and I think it boils down to fear of being hurt. No one wants to be hurt. But I couldn’t even imagine being old and alone! You’re right, it is kinda pathetic 🙂

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