DSK Sexual Assault Case to be Turned Into XXX Porn Film

DSK Porn

DSK Sexual Assault Turned Into Porn

I’m not sure why I’m surprised by the need to turn the Dominique Strauss-Kahn sexual assault debacle into a porn film, when the same was done with Osama Bin Laden right after his asasination, but still. This is a bit much even for the porn industry:

According to French outlet The Local, the internationally publicized allegation of sexual assault against former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn by a hotel maid in New York City in May is being parodied in an upcoming adult film. Being produced by My Porn Company, the film will be titled “DXK” and star Roberto Malone as a character named Dominique Sex King.

Strauss-Kahn was considered the leading contender to carry the Socialist Party banner against French President Nicolas Sarkozy until the accusation was made. Charges based on allegations made by the maid in late May were dropped by a judge in August after prosecutors said Nafissatou Diallo could not be trusted to tell the truth.

French writer Tristane Banon also accused Strauss-Kahn of sexually assaulting her, saying it took place during an interview in 2003. Prosecutors later dropped those charges because they happened too long ago. Banon decided not to file suit, either.

The film is not off the ground yet; My Porn Company is seeking to fill out a €200,000 budget, and is offering the public an opportunity to have their names in the credits and attend the premiere for a €50 contribution.

I’m not one for policing folks sexual tastes, but this goes beyond acceptable when you’re dealing with a real victim here. The woman in question is still suing DSK in civil court and stands by her claim of being forced to perform a sexual act on the French politician. Let’s just hope this is one porn film that crashes and burns before it ever sees the light of day.






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