Nicki Minaj Performs With a Dildo

Well, for all you who’ve been waiting for Nicki Minaj to pull her dick out, you got your wish. Ms. Minaj whipped it out – a dildo that is – at a recent concert in Providence. Let’s just say not everyone was happy about it:

I was so disgusted by it, this girl is a joke and she is an embarrassment. It is so interesting how the media protects this untalented idiot but the minute Lauryn Hill is late for a show it is all over the internet.

Honestly this little display just continues to fuel the “is she or isn’t she” debate regarding her sexuality. Personally I don’t know whether she’s straight, gay or bisexual…but she annoys me nonetheless. Being, gay/bisexual isn’t a joke or a publicity stunt used to fuel popularity and album sales. If you’re gay/bisexual and you want to flaunt your sexuality as part of your “art” in the smae way straight folk do…no problem…take a page out of Lady GaGa’s book or Madonna during her “Sex” phase. But this ish that Minaj does is just tried and hackneyed. The black community’s rampant homophobia doesn’t make this edgy or fun, but small minded and offensive.

Don’t get me wrong…dildos are fun and vibrators are better, but this ish right here, this ish is just lame and Nicki Minaj is just lamer.

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