Rumor Mill: Chris Brown Sends Rihanna Nude Pic via Twitter?

Rihanna and Chris Brown

Chris Brown Sexts Rihanna?

So there were rumors circulating that Rihanna and Chris Brown were reconnecting, but Rhianna was desperate to keep that a secret for many reasons. THEN Chris Brown was caught contacting Rihanna via Twitter, that was surely meant to be a DM, and was quickly deleted, but you know how that goes:

Rihanna and Chris Brown

Now, as far as the pic itself, Media Takeout is reporting that it was a naked pic (not with any certainty mind you, but that’s what they were told). So, whether the pic was a nude pic of himself or something else entirely, we know the two are talking ’cause Twitter screen-shots don’t lie. I will just say this is reason #125 why celebrities need to stay their asses off of Twitter. Seriously dude you couldn’t just text her?

And before anyone comments about Rihanna getting back with Chris – and how could she and all of that – I will point out that she eventually left Chris NOT because she wanted to but her handlers and advertisers demanded it. Brown was persona non-grada after the infamous beat-down, and if she still wanted a career she had to cut ties with him whether she wanted to or not.

Makes you wonder if Brown’s Twitter slip-up was really slip-up or not.

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