Pic of the Day: Lady Gaga’s Penis Boots

Oh, leave it to Lady Gaga to push the envelope on a national family friendly tv show nonetheless. From Necolebitchie.com:

In an attempt to never go a day without raising eyebrows, pop sensation Lady GaGa caused a little ruckus last night when she decided to wear a pair of boots with heels shaped as penises during her appearance on American Idol. The producers used the show’s logo and two red stars to cover the boots throughout the broadcast in an attempt to appeal to their family friendly audience.

These phalic heels are made by the London fashion brand Void of Course, and have a price tag of $4,560.  Well damn, talk about penis envy. I thought she was into the kitty cat? Hmmm..well I guess anyone can appreciate a little penis in their life. 


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